The Hidden Secret of Anamorphic Murals

Giving a new look to a wall sounds easy and fun; however, choosing the right technique to achieve the desired outcome is critical. Not every projection technique works in the same way to enhance a space. After deciding on the purpose of a new wall mural, the next step is choosing how it will be achieved.
While plain murals can be utilized in hallways, meeting rooms, or reception areas, other techniques are more appropriate to create a visual experience on stairways or in alleys. This is because the perspective from which the viewer is watching differs depending on the angle of view. That’s when Anamorphic Murals take center stage.
According to Wikipedia, Anamorphosis is a distorted projection requiring the viewer to occupy a specific vantage point, use special devices, or both to view a recognizable image. It is used in painting, photography, sculpture and installation, toys, and film special effects.
This perspective art technique has its origin in the Renaissance, from around the 15th century, and is now seeing a surge thanks to the projection mapping technique.
When used in hand-painted murals, Anamorphosis is employed to create an illusion that only makes sense from a specific perspective and a particular angle. For this reason it is suitable for varied spaces where the artist can take advantage of several environmental elements (for instance using steps, railings or differing ceiling levels). The images all need to come together at a conjunction point, and the more elements that are used the more complex the artwork becomes. This method does not work as well on plain, flat walls since the viewer can visualize the wall from different angles. When this happens, the “specific vantage point” requirement is lost and the intended impact of the art piece is missed.

The typical shapes used in Anamorphic mural paintings are:
- Geometric shapes: squares and circles are the most frequently used geometric shapes. Since these are shapes that everybody knows, it’s easier for the viewer’s brain to recognize and/or complete the illusion (for instance, when we may know that if we take one step forward while viewing the art, the image will be complete).
- Three-dimensional illusions: commonly used on facades, artists take advantage of this technique to paint 3D illusions that can be appreciated from a wider vantage point.

We can now see why choosing a 3D Anamorphic painting for a small space wouldn’t be the best use of this technique. Anamorphic murals are very attractive and eye-catching, but they don’t work everywhere. To learn more about how this and other projection techniques could fit into your workspace and enhance your favorite space, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our expert mural team. The visual effects artists at Wall and Wall can assist you throughout the entire process, from the initial brainstorming stage to the last touches of the finished artwork.

February 27, 2024